Freak out!!

The creepiest thing just happened! I was watching tv when I suddenly saw a hair on the table. I noticed the hair because I thought I saw it move so I kept looking at it and it moved again! I realized it must be a spiderleg stripped off it's body lying there twitching. Sooooo nasty! Fascinated and creeped out I looked at the leg and the thought "where did it come from?" slowly entered my mind and freaked me out a little. David started making fun of me saying I probably ate the spider and that it was right above me and stuff, mean! I called my dad to let him deal with it and take the leg away. I then turned on my computer to update my facebook status about the creepy thing that just happened but the battery was running low so I grabbed the cord and reached down to plug it in only to fly up again screaming because as I was reaching for the plug I saw a huge spider in the outlet! I figured I had stepped on the spider (poor creepy thing), pulled it's leg off with my sock and rested my foot on the table and the leg fell off, twitching. Eeeeeewwww!! Dad got the spider out and minutes later David saw another one, equally big, and figured they came from the bathroom furniture now standing in our living room since we're renovating the bathroom. So we'll see how many more of those lovely (not!) things I'll be seeing the next few days. looking forward to it...

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